1. the Freedom Haggadah was written to object
to American injustice
to police killing Black men
to the killing of MLKing
to our endless war
to demand action from the FBI on the killing of civil rights workers
2. Israel had won a war which gave them control of new land - the West Bank
It was to be used as a bargaining chip to bring it peace
Now, where have we come to? 50 years.
1. we are in an endless war
2. Police are killing black men.
3. Our president has found that there are ‘good people’ among
neo nazis carrying swastikas, chanting Jews will not replace us.
4. Israel continues to occupy the West Bank
It has taken Palestinian’s lands,
Treated its peoples without basic human rights
Denied them equality under a regime of law.
5. Our country is displacing (removing) thousands of people
Some have come here as seekers of asylum.
If there was ever a time for the freedom haggadah it is now.